Commissary Kitchen Amenities
Safety & Security
Safety is a priority at Shared Kitchen Rentals. We care about your business and your belongings. All areas of the kitchen are under 24/7 video surveillance.
24/7 Access
One of the perks of running your own business is being able to work on your own schedule. Last-minute orders? Book an extra event? We provide 24/7 access to all of our clients, so you can work on growing your business. Just email Gina to ensure kitchen availability.
Ample Storage & Work Space
When it comes to work and storage space, we've got you more than covered. Our 3,750 square foot, commercial grade kitchen boasts 20 work tables, 4 large walk-in refrigerators, 1 large walk-in freezer, and a large 1,000 sq. ft dry storage area. As a shared kitchen, we can accommodate multiple businesses at one time. In addition to providing you with ample workspace inside the kitchen, we also have lots of easily accessible, lit parking surrounding the building.
Regular Deep Cleaning
We provide deep cleaning of the kitchen space on a regular basis - five days per week - and at no additional charge to you. Because of this, our kitchen is closed Monday through Friday (from 6am - 8am). But we know you'll be pleased to know that your cooking space is in pristine condition!
Business Perks
In addition to offering a great quality kitchen space, we also include several business perks in our services to our clients. We never charge you extra fees for water, electricity or cleaning supplies - these amenities are all included in our rates - and all of our clients have access to our Wi-Fi. We also never charge you to repair our kitchen equipment, as long as you and your staff use proper care when operating it - we believe it's our responsibility to keep the kitchen in running order, so we cover those costs. You're also more than welcome to use our address here at Shared Kitchen Rentals as your business mailing address. We provide a personal mail inbox in the office. And you may also receive deliveries here - you'll just have to be present for their arrival.
Photos of Our Commercial Commissary Kitchen:

"Shared Kitchen Rentals offers a wide range of kitchen amenities and equipment, which has allowed my business to grow from a startup company to one of San Diego's top caterers."
-Simon, owner of All Aspects Catering
About our Kitchen
Shared Kitchen Rentals was founded by Barry R. in 2010. After renting several kitchens for another businesses he owns, Barry saw the need for a spacious, clean and well managed kitchen. He created this commissary kitchen space as the perfect solution for farmer's market vendors, mobile food truck preparation, personal chefs, caterers, bakers, or anyone else needing a commercially licensed kitchen in which to operate their food business.
Since then, Shared Kitchen Rentals has served hundreds of businesses, with several businesses outgrowing our kitchen. Some of the brands who have launched to success after starting in our kitchen include Pure Cupcakes, Pete's Paleo, Chef V Juices and LuckyBolt - you may even recognize some of our clients' products in your local grocery stores!
Our space is ideal for anyone in the business of cooking, baking, catering or preparing consumable goods. We've had clients create a range of products, including cupcakes, protein bars, dog treats, candies, meal prep, snacks, food trucks, farmer's markets, catering events, wholesale foods, and so much more!
When looking for a kitchen for your business, we know what you're looking for and we know which amenities matter to you.

Have more questions?
Give us a call at (858) 935-9924 or click the Frequently Asked Questions button below.